
Maui Beach Gear
Rentals Made Easy

Stress Free Rentals – Make travel Easy!

Fun Activities

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order online or call us


Travel stress free


take delivery of gear

Enjoy Beach

Enjoy your vacation with everything you need

Return Gear

Return gear & Travel home

Beach Gear Rentals in Maui


Less hassle – less airport bags, more space for bringing gifts home to loved ones.  Less items in landfill, more goods re-used, more selection of items.  Helping local community. Make the most of your Maui vacation and rid yourself of the travel hassles of bringing gear.  Enjoy a wide variety of gear / equipment to enhance your vacation.  We’re here to help.

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PFD's only work when you wear them



- $20


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- $20


Consectetur adipiscing elit Ut elit


- $20


Consectetur adipiscing elit Ut elit


- $20


Hard board of Inflatable - either one loads of fun


- $20


Consectetur adipiscing elit Ut elit


- $20


Consectetur adipiscing elit Ut elit


- $20


Single Kayak sit on top


- $20


Keep those beverages cold


- $20


Available in Adult and Junior size



- $20


Keep the sun at bay ... great for families and a long day on the beach.  compliment this with cooler



- $20


RX masks available 


- $20


Soft Top surfboard perfect for beginners


- $20


Ocean Kayak - Double Comes with PFD's, paddles, leashes, backrest and bow line



- $20


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hard cooler
Keep those beverages cold day and night.




- $20


sup cart
Consectetur adipiscing elit Ut elit


- $20


swim belt
Consectetur adipiscing elit Ut elit


- $20


Miss you pooch?  Rent a wiener dog and have some fun.  Friendly and goofy.



- $20


Available is regular and large



- $20


Grab a good quality rash guard and eliminate part of the sunscreen dance.



- $20


Available in small, medium and large


- $20


Bluetooth beach speaker - relax and enjoy your tunes on the beach.



- $20


Best cart for sand


- $20


Keep the kids busy and having fun ~ 40""


- $20


Excellent additional to any beach day 


- $20


you need some level of transportation to get all that stuff



- $20


Keep cool and covered. 


- $20


Provide the a guide for a half day.




- $20


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